Jansen Walker - Beta 2
An openly designed Creative Commons Licensed robot. Note: New Version (Beta 2.1) posted 06/05/2009 New features: 12 legs instead of 8, "drop-in" center platform, 1:1.8 ratio gears, many small changes. I only update this listing for major revisions of the walker, it\'s possible there\'s a minor revision posted at my site that is not here: http://4volt.com/projects/jansen/ What you see here is the Jansen walker, a laser-cut robot, based on the Jansen Mechanism. It has 12 legs and scuttles similar to a crab walking sideways. The brain is a Arduino, and the legs are powered by 2 micro-servos modified for continuous rotation. This project is heavily influenced by Theo Jansen\'s natural gearing mechanism, it’s a very efficient mechanical leg design for converting rotary motion into leg movements, and is very elegant in my opinion. The basis is the relative distance of the 12 joins, Jansen calls them \"The 12 Holy Numbers\". The numbers were developed with a genetic algorithm. In a couple of interviews that he wrote the evolver on a Atari STe computer and it took literally months of 1990’s processing power to find the solution. For more info on Theo Jansen as well as some video and pictures see strandbeest.com. I\'ve marked this as non-commercial creative commons licensed, but it would be very easy for anyone get me to license a commercial version to almost anyone. For the most part I would just like to make sure I agree with the usage, and make sure I am aware of it. See http://vimeo.com/4221721 for a video of the motion. The home for this project is http://4volt.com/Projects/Jansen/ Also, if you don't have a laser cutter, but would like a set of laser cut parts for this project see: http://4volt.com/donate.aspx#jansen