LCD Keypad Box
<b>Update 02010-05-18</b> New STL file uploaded: <b>KeypadBoxV2.stl</b>. Better tolerances so less clean up. 6mm taller so that bottom panel fits. Added instruction to replace straight header on keypad with right-angle one so that box can be lower-profile. <b>Update 02010-05-06</b> New STL file uploaded, KeypadBox04.stl. Keypad opening in previous version, KeypadBox03.stl, was rotated 90°. :P A Makerbot Giveaway entry. Need a box for Revar's excellent LCD Display and Keypad mod? Here's a printable one! This is an experiment in using different $fn values in OpenSCAD to selectively control the "roughness" of the geometry on different parts. The $fn of the outside of the box is set to 3, while all the holes and openings are set to 60. This gives an overall edgy look to the part without sacrificing functional precision. I really like the ability to combine a lo-fi trash-punk look yet maintain precision where it's needed in a printable part. I will definitely be exploring this aesthetic further! More info on Revar's LCD mod: More info on OpenSCAD's $fn variable: