Speed sound tester

Speed sound tester


This is something I made ages ago and never published. The extruder of your MakerBot will move in a pattern defined in the gcode generated by a Python script. You can use this to generate a series of soundes and determine which you like. Then you can find what angle produces that sound. circles.gcode - A series of circles. lines.py - A script to generate linear movement along the x-axis. At a feedrate of 3500 the extruder is moved from the origin (0,0,0) to a point n (n,0,0,) along the x-axis, pauses for two seconds, and returns to the origin where it pauses for another two second before moving to the next point. The point n is increased from 0 to 40 mm in steps of 1 mm. The point n is then increased from 40 to 100 in steps of 10 mm. This cycle is then repeated at each feedrate from 3500 to 500 in steps of 200. lines.gcode - The gcode filecreated by lines.py movements.dxdf - A series of movements including linesat various angles, arcs, and others.



