More adjustable Z-axis Opto Mount

More adjustable Z-axis Opto Mount


While experimenting with different printing surfaces for my reprap mendel I found that the standard z axis opto bracket didn't offer enough range. I desinged these versions to give me greater flexability without having to alter the flag design. I designed two versions. The first version, "new-z-mount" is simply a bracket with slotted holes to allow you to slide the opto PCB up and down and adjust the height. This part replaces both the mount an spring with a single bracket. While I found this gave me the extra flexibility I wanted I'd lost the fine tuning available with the original sprung design. The second, "z-opto-h-mount" is a direct replacement for the standard spring mounted mounting block. This design allows you to use the slotted holes to for major adjustment to the Z axis while keeping the use of the M4 Screw and spring for fine tuning adjustments. I've also included some washers to space the PCBs from the bracket allowing it to slide more freely. This extra flexibility could probably be more easily achieved by adding a slotted hole to the Z flag, but I like to adjust everything in one place. The parts were designed using BRL-CAD.






