Polyhedron Facets ( revised, parametric )
This thing includes a revised parametric script for generating polygonal facets for use in polyhedra. Several possible facets have been rendered. I know that the triangular, square, and pentagonal facets presented here are sufficient for building a wide range of shapes. Thing http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5028 extends this set with more types of facets, including spoke-like and polygonal facets for all shapes. I've been wanting to create a very generic snap-together set of forms for MakerBot for some time. It would be awesome to have an algorithm that generates a queue of forms to slowly grow a very large procedurally generated object. This is a revision of things http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4893 and http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4899, and an attempt to create a compatible set of snap-together primitives for building geometric forms. Thing 4893 set too large a scale to print pentagonal facets. Thing 4899 had a mathematical error which caused the different faces to be incompatible. This revision corrects that error.