


Here's my submission for pattywac's holiday-themed competition, a festive nutcracker. I'm not sure if you can actually crack any nuts with this though, but feel free to customize it. I had to print this out a few times due to silly overhand errors I made, and also had to split down some parts into sub-parts to minimize "catastrophic" failures in case things go wrong at the tail end of a 1 hour + print. I kind of ran out of time to flesh out the design, but you can fit it on the Cupcake's build platform and use the z-axis to push the lever down. Also, he still needs a hat, arms and a printed mustache... I've also included my sketchup design files. This was the first time I designed anything in sketchup to be printed, and I'm surprised it worked out well (outside of the silly overhang things I thought would work) Hope you all enjoy it!



