Pfierce PNEMAtruder ver1.0

Pfierce PNEMAtruder ver1.0


This is a derivative of the Printruder II - Rear Breech Loading by juniortan and of course the original design by Zaggo. For some reason the derivative feature wasn't working properly :( ...So I made it a new thing. Here is the PNEMAtruder! The "P" is silent :D It has all the features of the junior tan's version: the rear breach and gear access. It is a direct drive stepper extruder that uses a high torque NEMA 17 in order to drive filament to extrude. Or a high torque NEMA 23 Also, an optional filament tube clamp can be attached at the top, for those with filament spindles. This is still a work in progress, but I thought I'd put it out there for all to see and make suggestions, etc. The center has been changed so I can't use any existing support designs. What do you guys look for in your supports? low part counts? Easy to print? Function/Flatness? Maximum Z height? Would you want me to make laser cut supports for purchase/download? Does anyone actually read this and answer? So far, no so I'm just designing features I want. ***1/12/11*** I'm currently working on a revised version that axes the NEMA 17 and utilizes a NEMA 23. Most high torque NEMA 17's that I can find just don't have enough torque to get the job done. I uploaded a screenshot of the new design. None of the files are updated, yet. ***6/4/11*** With MBI selling the 100 in-oz NEMA 17 motor in there store you can now use the 17 design.






