(moved) SteadyCam Mark I

(moved) SteadyCam Mark I


THIS DESIGN HAS BEEN MOVED TO YOUMAGINE: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/steadycam-mark-ii Reasons: http://marcuswolschon.blogspot.de/2014/01/leaving-thingiverse.html This gimbal converts a sturdy car-mount for a laptop/camera into a steadycam. The current version does not have a bearing for the vertical axis, so you can turn the camera by attaching a large handle to the side (use both hands to control the orientation of the camera). <b>TODO:</b> I did not yet asssemble it fully, to check if it is stable enough for the serious weight of the car-mount. It's a work in progress and my internet is not very good on this train, so I'll describe it in more detail later. Details: http://sourceforge.net/userapps/mediawiki/marcuswolschon/index.php?title=Projects/Camera/Steadycam <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.2: Status: Was found to be <b>too large</b>. Something with the meassurements was off. Probably specified diameter as radius or something. Build time: (16mm/s, 0.4mm layers, 20% filled, 3 solid layers) inner: 2h 34min (28.7g of ABS) outher: 3h (33.8g of ABS) grib: 13h 21min (155.2g of ABS) <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.2: changes: * grib is M22, fits bicycle-handle * inner has the right size * cleaned up the constraints on the grib Build time: (16mm/s, 0.4mm layers, 20% filled, 3 solid layers) inner half: 29min (5.4g of ABS) outher: 1h25min (16g of ABS) grib: 5h (57.6g of ABS) <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.3: Some minor improvements for easier fitting but Alibre crashes reproducably on save. Will take a wile. <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.4: reconstructed "inner" from scratch. * better grib on bearing * easier insertion of bearing * tapper against inaccurate diameter due to melting first layer Build time: (16mm/s, 0.4mm layers, 20% filled, 3 solid layers) inner half: 36min (6.8g of ABS) <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.5/v0.6: less snug fit on shaft, bearing and bolts, shorter grip. <b>TODO:</b> I am not sure if the "outher" ring is thick enough to support the weight. Build time: (16mm/s, 0.4mm layers, 20% filled, 3 solid layers) inner half: 38min (7.1g of ABS) outher: 1h 36min (18.3g of ABS) grip: 4h (45g of ABS) <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.7: <b>Status: considered a working prototype</b> outher did not fit, too much linear play between bearing and next part. Made sure all diameters are matching with 1mm distance on bearings and 2mm rotational against collisions. Added a 1/4" hole to mount a camera-handle on the side (for both, left and right handed users) to control the horizontal turning of the camera. Build time: (16mm/s, 0.4mm layers, 20% filled, 3 solid layers) inner both: 1h 23min (15.6g of ABS) outher: 1h 37min (18.5g of ABS) grip: 4h (45.7g of ABS) <b>----------------------------------------------</b> V0.8 and SteadyCam Mark II: <b>Status: work in progress</b> changes: * moved handle below the center of gravity * handle can rotate freely






