3D Printed Sumo Bot Parts

3D Printed Sumo Bot Parts


This is a mostly 3D printable sumo bot. It is going to be competing in the Science Olympiad sumo bot event. So far, the major vitamins we used are as follows... - 1/8in x 1/2in aluminum rail - Vex drive rod, sprockets, collars, and chains http://www.vexrobotics.com/products/accessories/motion/276-2166.html http://www.vexrobotics.com/products/accessories/motion/shafts.html http://www.vexrobotics.com/products/accessories/motion/276-2010.html - M4 screws and nuts - Jaco foam tires (35 shore is what we are using) http://www.jacoracing.net/nitroshoes_1_10.html - Electronics http://www.robotmarketplace.com/products/0-SABER2X5-RC.html http://www.spektrumrc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdId=SPM5510 http://www.venom-group.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=15026 http://cgi.ebay.com/12V-120RPM-Powerful-High-Torque-Gear-Box-Electric-Motor-/290525929255?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a4b1df27 The offensive structure still needs to be built, but we are going to be using aluminum flashing around the perimeter to create a wedge. We needed to add about 800grams to the bot to bring it up to the maximum 2kg weight limit. Once we were at 2kg it pushed two textbooks easy, which total about 5kg. We will be competing this Saturday with it. Previous years we either used completely Vex, or hand fabricated chassis using steel corner brackets and aluminum plate. This year we were able to 3D print the majority of the parts, which made it much easier. For example, previous years we were limited in the tire types we were able to use, but now we were able to make a fully integrated hub and drive coupler. Just a note about the files, they are not at all parametric. I drew a picture in my head with the measurements and wrote the code. If anybody decides to try building this, let me know and I will be able to give you measurements off the original.






