A quick and dirty sketch of a python clone of Takes a function of x,y,r, and t (theta, in radians), plots it, returns it as a solid which it spits to stdout, or writes to a .scad or .stl file, depending on usage. Arguments are set toward the top of the scrip. The function is specified as a string. This script requires numpy. Comments need improvement. Python seems popular, so I'm hoping this will be stolen and modified. There are probably still bugs in the mesh generation, I haven't even tried slicing the test object. If you spot a fix, tell me (or post a fix as your own thing). update : fixed generation of base polygons update : fixed normal orientation for .scad and .stl output update : fixed scaling issues, now scales part to the intended dimensions update : fixed some command line argument parsing update : OpenSCAD doesn't like the .stl output, but the .scad script output seems ok. Probably some problem with specifying the normals.