Mini servo gripper Plate

Mini servo gripper Plate


Plates for a 3dprinter of . They are done in openscad and require the original files from the Mini servo gripper. There are currently two plates: one for geared parts, another for the rest of the parts. This is so you can print the gears at better quality and to avoid possible ooze making them not fit properly. The original versions are just a plate directly made from the original files. There is also gripper_plate_v2 which contains tweaks for 3d printing. Namely it merges both 4mm tall arms into a single 8mm tall one and the base is modified to fit an HXT900 servo and merges both servo plates. This decreases the parts needed and helps simplify assembly. A video of it in action: Files: - gripper_plate.scad: Openscad code for the original plate. - gripper_plate_gears.scad: Openscad code for the gear plate. - gripper_plate.stl: Rendered model of the original plate. - gripper_plate_gears.stl: Rendered model of the gear plate. - gripper_plate_v2.scad: Openscad code for the modified plate. - gripper_plate_v2.stl: Rendered model of the modified plate. - Gripperservoplate_v2.stl: The new servo holder part (in gripper_plate_v2). Total weight assembled with Natural PLA: 53 grams (including servos and screws).






