Emergency Kit Backpack for kids

Emergency Kit Backpack for kids


Update: I am now a winner! :) After decades of being a loser, a short post on thingiverse with a cute 2 year old model to add some sweetness and the cutbag contest is mine. You might be thinking, how does this cheap little thingiverse post merit a $150 prize? Answer: You didn't enter your awesome cardboard+bag uber world changing thing. For which I thank you. Now that I am officially and perpetually a winner you are welcome to enter the next contest and receive similar praise and adulation. (not to mention $$$) Contest money will be used to pimp my makerbot cupcake and to help finish my next project. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:9117 After hurricane Katrina many Americans woke up to the need to have some emergency supplies on hand. The Japan earthquake has reminded us all again. Here is a cheap easy backpack for kids that can hold a bottle of water some food and other essentials. Here's a link to the FEMA suggestions for what to put in the pack. http://www.fema.gov/areyouready/assemble_disaster_supplies_kit.shtm If there is too much to fit in the little pack, put it in your own darn pack daddy.:) <a href="http://HalfLifeDad.com">My blog</a> if you are interested.






