Wire access grommit

Wire access grommit


The table in my workshop/man cave was in desperate need of some cable management. The best way I could see fixing this problem is by running some of my cables down through the desk. The only issue with this is that I would then have a huge ugly hole in the middle of my desk. So this was the good news moment of my day. Good News: I had a white 2″ desk gromit I could use to fill the hole and class things up a bit. Bad News: My desk is black. I had some black ABS already loaded in my Thing-o-Matic so I took the next logical step and reached for my digital caliper to get modeling. In about 15 minutes I was able to make a nearly exact scale model of my white desk gromit in Google Sketchup. You can read more about my design process in this blog post: http://www.thenewhobbyist.com/2011/04/everyday-fixes-with-makerbot-1-desk-gromit/






