Modern Elements
Another [ C60 buckyball / truncated icosahedron / soccer-ball ] lamp. The facets on this one are designed to shade the lamp bulb only when viewed directly, and otherwise be transparent to the inside of the lamp. This effect was generally successful but less impressive than I expected. The first design ( modern_pentagon, modern_hexagon, baffel ) had these flaws : -- weak, flexible walls made hinges hard to manage -- impossibly tight hinges ( required removing a lot of plastic ) -- weak supports for the light-diffusing inner panels; The lamp pictured was built with the original design. However, I updated the design ( modern_pentagon_revised, modern_hexagon_revised, baffel_revised ) to attempt to correct these three problems. I would print and test the hinge fit for the revised pieces, I expect them to be stronger and easier to work with, but there may be unexpected problems. You can also tweak the parameters in the .scad file yourself.