Another Super Meat Boy

Another Super Meat Boy


Well this is my first thing, and first off I wanted to say this is a derivative of hugepedlar's Meat Boy at & Voxelous' version . I liked their versions but I wasn't a fan of the serious fan that Volexous and he used. That being said I made a slightly different one, from pictures on google. I built off of hugepedlars stls, but made some modifications to the pieces such as: - The hands (made them a bit wider & set them higher, more correct to the official character models) - The feet (made them a bit taller, more correct to voxelous version) - The face (adding eyebrows and a cheek effect to show off the smile.) - Added some eyes to fill in if you have some black ABS to use I used google sketchup as best as I could, you'll notice there are teeth made, but they don't show up in the for some reason. Maybe some of you can find the reason...I like my results which is why I didn't list this as a work in progress. Voxelous' version is superior due to the method of printing that they use, so if you really like this print go on ahead to their site and buy the official ones when they're back in stock. I will do the same...






