Test Jig #3 - Hours & Minutes Clock

Test Jig #3 - Hours & Minutes Clock


This is the current release candidate for the Printable Clock Project. Many thanks to the many Thingiversians who have contributed over the last few weeks! It is a work in progress and probably will need tweaking to even tick, let alone keep time. It currently has breakage issues in PLA, ABS is recommended. Test Jig #2 was a major milestone, passing all four tests, featuring in the first video of a ticking printed escapement for this project ( http://www.prototribe.net/vidplay/testjig2.html )and serving as a development base for improvements from multiple Makers. If you want to print something that ticks, print Test Jig #2 with all the latest parts. Test Jig #3 is intended to regroup all that progress into a new base camp for what we hope is the final push: an actual printed clock that keeps time. If you want to spend plastic and time in support of that goal, print Test Jig #3 and share with us what went right and what went wrong. This current design is based on feedback from early adopters ssd, rustedrobot and TheRuttMeister, and in particular a very clever rustedrobot design for a ratcheting drum that rewinds the clock: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8555 Special thanks to Renosis for rendering gears 02 thru 07 on his machine last night when mine was not up to the challenge! I've uploaded a snapshot of the code which generated these parts to this page, but the best place to find the latest and greatest is on github: https://github.com/syvwlch/Printable-Clock-Project Major improvements include: the ratcheting drum, countersunk holes for the frame, a snap-fit extendable pendulum, and an escapement design which should tick as printed (little or no hand-finishing required). I tried to go for a four gear clock, but getting a 60:1 ratio in two gears is just not practical... the pinions get too small. I also went ahead and added hour and minute hands. I can make alternate parts for a hand-less version if the concentric shafts are too much of a problem.






