slam dunk, Challenge_002_WoodenToy

slam dunk, Challenge_002_WoodenToy


This thingi was coppied from <A href=""></A>: Challenge_002_WoodenToy. There were a few problems I overcame including revese normals, doubles and open loops and now it is prime, well as prime as 3d printing gets. Also, some supports were added that will need to be removed. Holes were added to restrict filiment useage. I am not sure if it is all necessary for everyone but it is for me on my prusa and repsnapper doesn't like errors. Both the large and the small prints work fine. I added the number 002 on the big print after I printed mine so everyone else is one up on me. The drive wheels and piston aren't connected and neither is the handrails and the rear coupler. Oh, My six year old son said they were the neatest prints ever and he confiscated them from me. He plays with them even though they are static.






