Brilliant Cut Diamond script

Brilliant Cut Diamond script


An attempt to generate a brilliant cut diamond shape based on info describing an ideal cut from For something more easy to digest, have a look here Warning: This is just a simplified approximation of a brilliant cut, I am not a jeweller, but this should give you a good idea of size, shape and proportion. Most likely this shape will not print well without well calibrated support. My code numbering scheme is as follows Version_number < 1.0 not ready to be used by others Version_number ==1.0 ready to be used provided you really know what you're doing Version_number > 1.0 generally safe for use To do: - adjust the ratios for the extra 24 facets on top - add ability to scale or specify a variable e.g. use provides height or diameter or carat weight - Clean up code! - Make printable Changes: 0.4 - discovered relationship between circumscribed circle radii for 8 & 16 sided polygons needed for creating perfect facets along crown and pavillion is SinA+CosATanA where A=(360/16)/2=11.25 - second attempt to add 16 extra facets to crown and pavillion, using above relationship, more successful than previous attempt - first attempt to add 8 extra facets to crown successful, using above relationship 0.3 - first attempt to add 16 extra facets to crown and pavillion, somewhat unsuccessful 0.2 - attempt to add 8 extra facets to crown and pavillion 0.1 - First attempt with 8 (9) faceted crown and pavillion on either side of cylindrical girdle






