Marble Run adapter for Ikea Malm dresser

Marble Run adapter for Ikea Malm dresser


If you've got one of those Malm dressers from ikea -- -- then you can turn it rather easily into a pretty sweet marble run. Marbles will roll across the top of the drawer, then down this half-ellipse-shaped ramp, and then across the next row of drawers in the other direction. To make this ramp, cut it out of a thin, flexible material, and assemble the pieces. In my dreams, this ramp should be made out of 1/32" birch aircraft plywood with a laser cutter. In real life, a laser printer, a cereal box and an x-acto knife work fine. Photos forthcoming, as soon as I've made a set of these to replace the current manually constructed prototypes. I haven't finalized all the dimensions yet, and some bits (epsecially the cutouts for the drawer slides) might be in the wrong places for your dresser. Edit: Design, test, iterate! Made a couple of small tweaks. Some photos of the previous version, sorry for the low res.






