Glow Stick Candelabra Hollow Arm

Glow Stick Candelabra Hollow Arm


A work in progress attempt at making the candelabra arm hollow, for adding power wires for LED lighting. I've tried printing this, and it seems to be hollow as designed, but I can't get the only wire I've got to go all the way around all the curves. Maybe someone else will have better wire, a better print, or a cunning plan, for making it work. The hollow ends with a gap in the middle of the tab to attach to the main candelabra body - ideally, the wires should be able to rejoin the main body through that. <b><big>- UPDATE [5th September] -</b></big> Two newly updated versions - both with the split tab raised up to the half-way mark. Version 07 has a ridge along the end of the tab as a support leg. Version 08 changes the ridges to 'T' shaped, to avoid a printing island.






