Mini printable lathe V2 + Chuck - OpenSCAD version.
I've converted the printable Lathe from Sublime into OpenSCAD files. There are some differences, but the parts should be compatible (Except for the gears, those use a different teeth style) The size of the guide-rods/axles and screw holes are adjustable in Util.scad Also some of the main dimensions can be adjusted in the Util.scad Note that these parts are interexchangeable with the ones from Sublime, unless you change the parameters. If you build this machine from scratch you might want to use thicker guides and a larger guide distance, so the carriage has more stability. Changes: "X_carriage" is flat on top, so you can print it flat on that side, fixes the overhang. There might be some printing problems with overhang in the bearing_block. Possible upgrades: Add step motor mounts so you can make a CNC Lathe. There is very little clearing between the X carriage and the Z front. Any flex or inaccuracies might cause problems.