TOM-BOY with GEN4 Electronics
I designed a larger dual head 3D printer using Generation 4 electronics from MBI, I call it affectionately TOM-BOY. It took me some time but I could not sleep unitl I designed a printer that was larger, accurate and reliable. At least I think it will be? I designed it using standard DFM policies using common parts through out. The design uses all dual NEMA11 Non-Captive screw drives on each axis. The screw I selected will give .001mm acuracy and 400mm in travel. The print area is right at 270mm+ in all directions and a bit more in the z direction. The Hot End is also customed designed with new dual gear drive, and is set up for 1.75mm material. Other Features: *Inverted electronics bay so you can get to all electronics *Plastic scerw locks so acrlyc will not crack *Fully inclosed with door access *Feeders for filiment spools *HBP is atached by magnets for easy access,service and leveling *All parts used to construct each axis can be printed on a TOM *Gen4 Interface board and display bult into design