LM8UU sized bushing adapter (Parametric)
Not so much a derivative, as a companion piece to Triffid_Hunter's Printable LM8UU-sized PLA bushing. You're using Triffid_Hunter's Printable LM8UU-sized PLA bushings, and decided you'd rather upgrade to G300 polymer bushings? ( http://www.igus.com/iPro/iPro_02_0001_0000_USen.htm?c=US&l=en%20Igus - part # GFM-0810-10 or https://sdp-si.com/eStore/ - part # S99GGFM081010 ) Print a set of these to fit them into an LM8UU sized hole! If your printer makes them too tight, or too loose, adjust the "slop" settings in the scad file. You want the inner diameter of the adapter to be fairly close to 10mm, as polymer bushings are designed to be compressed down to a tight fit on the smooth rods. This is currently configured for flange bushings - the scad is fully parametric, and configurable for other bushing types (brass sleeves, for example).