Pico projector adjustable mount and frame holder
To test some design concepts at work, I needed to build a tripod-mounted bar to hold a pico projector and a foam-core "frame" in a way that both were adjustable. When I was at the hardware store to buy the pieces to make the bar, I found these long wooden pieces that were exactly the shape of track I was going to build. Since they were laying behind the large saw they use to cut wood for customers, I asked what they were and discovered they were the pieces that hold the plastic strapping on the outside of the palettes of wood they get. The nice gentleman then said "you can just have one". Perfect! He told me to tell the checkout person it was a "runner". I don't know if that is a generic term for "free wood" or the actual technical name. Either way it was free which was awesome. These pieces are probably of limited value as usable pieces (unless you have a "runner" and a pico projector and frame that need to be adjustable), but may be interesting for learning from or improving upon. More back-story, discoveries, and pictures at my blog: Part 1: http://wp.me/p2hTaI-14 Part 2: http://wp.me/p2hTaI-Q