Plantar Fasciitis Pain Reduction Apparatus
Applying upward pressure to the foot can temporarily relieve pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis. While apparatuses do exist to do this, many put tension on the toe using a tight fitting sock. This causes discomfort to the toe. This apparatus is designed to put tension on the ball of the foot. This thing was suggested to me by a Physical Therapist who sufferers from pain due to Plantar Fasciitis to help alleviate discomfort! This is a resting splint for when you are sleeping or relaxing (not walking). ________________________________________________________________________ This thing is part of a final project for CPSC 183 Technology and the Law with Prof. Brad Rosen at Yale University. The idea of this project is to ask friends for ideas for physical objects that they would like to have that could be printed on the Makerbot TOM. I have designed them, printed them out and given them to the people who requested them. I also have uploaded them here to Thingiverse to add to the library of physical objects that people find cool, useful, or just plain fun! ________________________________________________________________________