Test Jig from Clockathon #2 - FIXED
UPDATE: Fixed a bug on the hour gear. Download the fixed STL and if you are interested in it, all three OpenSCAD files as well. UPDATE This is a cleaned up version of the printed clock we were able to make during Clockathon #2 last weekend. Thank you Makerbot and Bre for setting that up and hosting it, and thank you Ben for all the help, the awesome test print all set up, and the brilliant idea to back off one gear for the power drum. It was ticking, powered by a weight that would only drop about 9" per twelve hour period, and included printed concentric shafts to support minute and hour hands on the face of the clock. Here's some video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH4Tg2tIgfg I had to inflict grievous harm to the code base at the time and have cleaned everything up since. See details below.