Two Cones Unique Performance Test

Two Cones Unique Performance Test


I Designed This Simple Test To Diagnose A Few Problems With A Makerfarm Prusa I3, But It Should Prove Useful In Almost Any Tuning Scenario. Targeted Performance Areas: 1. Print Consistency Through Layer Area Reduction 2. Clean Multi-Object Traveling 3. Inter-Object Precision (Not Melting The Cones Together) 4. The Ability To Form Vertical Points (As Sharp As Possible) 5. Warping; The Edges Should Be Straight (This Can Help Balance Bed Vs. Extruder Vs. Room Temperatures) Personal/Typical Guidelines (Remember, It'S Your Test!) Constants May Be: A. Layer Height B. Infill Settings C. Filament (Per Tune) Independents Can Be: A. Location On Print Plate B. Temperature C. Speed D. Scaling Percentage Of Model E. Motor Settings And Extrusion Settings That'S All I Have To Say! Get To Tuning :D P.S. Created In Blender 2.68A Feb. 2014 First Printed On Makerfarm Prusa I3 (6" Ver.)



