EF Mount Module to 1.25 inch telescope focuser

EF Mount Module to 1.25 inch telescope focuser


EDIT 2016: Check out MementoMori's remix @ http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1732234 Simple modification of this great EF mount. Thank you, AlexEnglish! I did not believe it at first, but it really does fit tightly. With this you can take photos through any telescope, as long as you reach focus (No problem with a 102/1300 Maksutov, could not get in far enough on a 76/300 newton-dobson though). These adapters usually cost €20 ($28) from a telescope shop, and this probably 5% or less, depending on material, support and setting. The Mak does have a T2 mount, but for using a barlow, this is a quick and inexpensive solution! :-) Needs fixing in the future: Spacer, so tightening the tube into the focuser is easier (now the focuser screws are pressing directly against the EF mount disc) (Sidenote for the DailyEarring project: It'll be back. Sorry for the hiatus. In the mean time, enjoy the printer live-cam at http://up.no-ip.org:8888 untill my site is back up :-) )



