Beta Casted Prusa parts

Beta Casted Prusa parts


This is a derivative work of the original Prusa 3D printer ( The idea of metrix labs' pourable clonedel parts was good, but the parts have some technical shortfalls. So I changed some parts into a pourable and working Prusa 3D printer. This is the result: The parts are like a standard reprap Prusa Mendel 3D printer. Most of the parts are pourable just the way they are. Only a few parts have too long holes inside or the walls are too thin - these parts had to be changed. The affected parts: The XMotor, the XIdler and the 2 ZMotors, the vertices and some smaller parts like the barclamps and the endstop holders. The Vertices of a Prusa have about 2 mm wallthickness around the vertical holes. This seemed to be not enough for a casted part. So we made them stronger, but not as thick as Mendel vertices. The XMotor, XIdler and ZMotor have very long holes inside. We cut out at the side of the parts to split these long holes. Also the XMotor and the XIdler have large nut traps for capturing a spring. These nut traps have been separated to a second part. This way the nut/spring trap keeps its function while being pourable. You can simply screw the two parts together. The clamps and the endstop holders have an increased wall thickness to provide more stability. The major advantage is: All the casted parts have already holes inside! We developed a special casting technique in which bridges act as spacers for the holes. In most cases this concept works perfect. This reduces the amount of holes to be drilled to 10! The holes which are not pourable are the filament hole in the Wades extruder and the mounting holes in the small Wades gear and the pulleys. All other holes are already in the casted part. The second advantage is: To prevent melting of the parts we used a special thermoresistant polyurethan instead of Smooth Cast 325. After tempering the parts resist temperatures up to 120 °C. If you want to get more information visit: I also mixed a making of video: A video about the thermal resistance can be found here: You can buy a Set of these parts at: I uploaded only a few parts as stl. All other parts can be found in the 7zip file. Greetings from the lake of constance BonsaiBrain






