T-slot V-slot Universal camera mount :CR10, tevo tornado, ender 3 logitech c270 c920, picamera, gopro, action camera , prusa mk3, others UPDATE14/08
UPDATE: 05/2021: Due to many Complaints, I'll add few words: I'M GLAD MANY USERS USED THIS LITTLE PROJECT NOT PLANNED TO GROW , BUT NOW THAT ACTUALLY I WORK WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF IN MY LITTLE FABLAB I DONT HAVE MUCH TIME FOR THINGIVERSE. MOSTILY BECAUSE I'VE SEEN MORE OF MY WORK SOLD OUTSIDE THAN ACTUALLY RECIVE AT LEAST A FULL MEAL PAID FROM THE COMMUNITY. IT'S AN OLD PROJECT REALLY MESSY I HAVE NO MORE, SO ACCEPT EVERYBODY MY APOLOGIZE FOR IT. ANYWAY NOT SURE IF I'LL KEEP THE PROFILE OPENED BUT SURE NOT PLANNING TO SHARE OTHER STUFF. I made this work way back in the 2017, was a project mostly for me, and stopped using it in 2018, noticed I dont need cameras. updated the last time in 2018/2019 for better quality useage stopped working on this (2021) due to complaints, I know there are many files and names, I hope to get time maybe to arrange the names, when first I uploaded them there where numbers on the bases but seems they are corrupted. changes: -removed long arms -removed few duplicates UPDATE 14/08 : changed all the parts and arms in order to have better strenght and a soket for the M4 nut, needed, nuts and 30mm m4 bolts fully adjustable, just print more arms and parts. it's a mess but u just have to figure out the parts that mos suits ur needs and print, and if u end up needing others just print and add them :) to mount: -needed 2-4 m4 10mm bolts,(can use the spare two tnuts u got with the printer). a bunch of 30mm m4 bolts with nuts depends on the number of arms. mount versions: -c270 (for logitech c270 webcam) -picam(for raspberry picam adding other versions soon, I dont have a cam to test fit if anybody whould help :) ) m3 x10mm bolt needed , 2 pieces -standardGoproAction cam : standard m5 bolt action camera connection -arm2, connect it to the camera mount for better angle adjustments, needed for picam -action camera: should fit standard chinese action camera. THANKS. this work is growing big thanks to the many remixes from the other users, and I would thank all of them for their parts :) UPDATE: expreimental need feedbaks: on request I made a prusa mk3 frame holder, any feedback on it would be appreicated added: arducam , as requested from another user, dont know how it works raspberry wide angle camera mount