This is a multi-color LED decor that will go for days on one CR2032 battery. After trying to find a cheap LED base that works worth a darn, I finally gave up and created one that works reliably and doesn't cost a lot. The base utilizes a coin, CR2032, battery holder and a multi-color LED T-1 bulb. Both were found on Amazon, as well as eBay, etc. The T-1 (3mm) bulb generally has a wider beam, 30 degrees, than a T-1 3/4 (5mm), and the leads are closer together which aids in this design. The weak spot of most cheap LED mounts is the switch. This one uses the bulb itself as a switch. Could have made it more complex, but this works great. I have a few that have been running for more than 5 days, 24/7. At this point I do not know how long they will go. The lampshade portion is an adaptation of a design I have not yet released called, HexaFloraVase. In order to get it to work here, I combined a solid and a surface into a single .STL file. I do not know if that will work for some folks. I use S3D and created a multiple process, solid with fill for the base, and single with no top and bottom layers for the part above the 31st layer. I will include the S3D gcode here as well for those that can use it. I use a .5 nozzle and .33 thick layers, transparent PETg at 240/75. With S3D I can change my temperatures when I print from the machine control window, so I can use different filament using the same gcode. The base mounts the vertical coin holder base. The CR2032 holder is common. The fit is not real tight and you can glue it in if desired. The base press fits into the lampshade part. To turn it on, insert a battery into the holder, and slip the bulb over the top edge of the battery. The longer bulb lead must be on the + side of the battery. When not using the lamp, you can store the bulb in the two spare holes on the base. You can leave the batter in its holder because unless the bulb is on, it does not use any juice. The two storage hold can also be used to straighten bent leads. Try to keep the leads straight and close together. The spare/storage holes are a good gauge. If the bulb is put onto the battery with the leads reversed, it will not burn the bulb out. I just won't work. The reverse voltage is below it's burnout voltage. Parts reference: https://www.amazon.com/Transparent-Lighting-Electronics-Components-Emitting/dp/B01C19ENH8/ref=pd_sim_60_2?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=2HT9HACZQS01WVZSEX11&dpID=31xGRHs9zvL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=detail&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071F3HW8J/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Sony-CR2032-Lithium-Coin-Cell/dp/B008XBK7PG/ref=pd_bxgy_23_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=XFYY4HMEBY4S3BPH2CEN&dpID=61yczfK5KTL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=detail