Text2DSM (How to add Text on DesignSpark Mechanical design)

Text2DSM (How to add Text on DesignSpark Mechanical design)


In the Designing101 Group a question came up, how to add individual text to your DesignSpark Mechanical designs. No problem - you can select out of hundrets of fonts provided in MS-Windows. Hope it will help all of you they don't know, how to: I put all 3 kind of file in: *.rsdoc (DSM) *.stl *.jpg (just a photo) Following steps are needed to create the sample I provided here in DSM tool: Create a rectangle 2x20x100mm Used the "meter tool": showing 100mm Place the shown 100mm in the middle of rectangle Replace the 100mm with any text you want and remove the arrows Doubleclick your text, so all it's marked Use the tool "projection" and select the surface of rectangle as target Now your text is part of the surface You can select it by doubleclick and pull or pull/push it (the metering text you can delete now from your overview, cause its part of the object and no longer needed) that's all






