Alien Head Shower Head from Aliens movie series

Alien Head Shower Head from Aliens movie series


*Photos shown are the first functional prototype, holes were to big so I have scaled the hole sizes down. Both files posted. This is a remix of a great alien head model to make it into something all Alien fans need in their bathrooms. I hollowed out the model, clean up the interior face for minimal overhang issues, and remade bottom section because it's neck is removed. The threads are remixed from the most popular shower head posted. This was done with ABS and acetone smoothed to give it the slick look. This model is water tight, use Teflon tape when threading on. ***Warnings*** - Do not turn on supports, you do not want supports internally that you cannot remove. - This model is water tight because it has thick walls, make sure you have good layers or you will see a lot of excess build up. - make sure you have great adhesion, has small surface area with print bed. I use a Z plate and sand it rough before starting. - Go slow when making threads or they might get stringy and not adhere well.






