Judge Public Defender Ammo Mags 410 & 45 Colt
I wanted magazine-style holders for ammo to put in the gun case with the 5-shot revolver. (Judge Public Defender) This version is (2&1/2") .410 and .45 (long) colts. I could just throw boxes of ammo in the case, but where's the fun in that? The holes are there to cut back on print time, but also so you can identify the ammo through them. FYI: This is the "Flambeau Tactical - HD Case Small/Petit" (1109HD-T) at Academy. Sections of the foam can be torn or cut out. I got wooden pieces cut out and 3D printed others to put underneath each piece. Styrofoam might work just as well. Because I wanted a lot of them in a short amount of time, it was about functionality over aesthetics (0.30mm). So, I can't guarantee the fit at higher quality prints. Even at the lowest quality, I did some quick sanding of the interior (where the bullets/shells reside) with a nail file.