Soda Bottle / Pipe Coupler for POV Baton
This is based on the Genesis Poi project. Can also be used for coupling bottles to pipe for fluid projects! Got tired of poi, wanted to give baton a try. ~~Secret advantage is that an extra battery can be hidden inside the pipe, or even extra electronics to provide fancier or larger pattern sets, not to mention controls.~~ EDIT 11/19/2017: After trying to twirl for the first time using 1/2" PVC and failing miserably I looked up the standard diameter of a baton (which I should have done to begin with), which is 3/8ths. 3/8ths PVC is way too flexy, and too thin to really fit any electronics in there. RIP. Revisionwise I added a hexagon option to prevent the baton rolling away when it's dropped, and lengthened the threading area for better grip. Modified from MrWhat's SCAD file after eliminating unrelated clutter.