5 Gallon Water Jug Cap
Simple self latching cap for 5 gallon jug refilling. Push it on to attach and pull to remove. *THIS WORKS ON MY BOTTLES - YOUR RESULTS MAY VARY* Created for 5 gallon bottles with a 56mm OD mouth. You will need to print one Hub and 4 keepers. The keepers will need a 1/8" bungee or shock cord. Rubber band may work. You want the keepers tight when the cap is put onto the bottle. They keep the cap "locked" on. Lastly you will need some thin foam self sticking mat. Got mine from a local craft store. Cut it to 56mm diameter and stick it inside the hub. ~~*This will not keep back 5 gallons of water. But it will keep the water from sloshing out during transport*~~ **UPDATE: Welp, I was moving a full bottle on a hand truck through my yard. The bottle fell off the hand truck and hit the ground, landing on its side. I DIDN'T LOSE A DROP!** Your mileage may vary! ---------- If you like this and find it useful, please consider buying me a beer (I am beer operated) ![](https://badgeglow.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/qr.png)