Mounting plate, fully customizable, update

Mounting plate, fully customizable, update


A customizable mounting plate or spacer*. Originally designed for 2020-frame, but also usable for other purposes. <i><b>Update may 2019: customizer more user-friendly</i></b> Customizable in "Thingiverse Customizer". Don't be disappointed at the start, it is the basic shape, a small plate with a hole. The Thingiverse Customizer is buggy (may 2019), use the Openscad- customizer instead if it don't work. Openscad is a free and opensource program ( <b>The left and the right plate</b> You can add a mounting-plate at the right and left of the base. Keep in mind that the plates are measured from the baseline (the middle) . If yo use it on a 2020-frame, add 10 mm to the widths of the plates. <b>The holes</b> You can add up to ten holes in your design**. Off course you need holes to mount the mounting plate to the object (printer or ??). Put those on the baseline (x=0, Y>0). The Y-coordinate is always positive and is going from top to bottom. The X-coordinates can be negative (left plate) or positive (right plate) and are counting from the baseline (=0). A hole is disabled if the X and the Y are both zero (0). <b>The offset</b> The offset (Z if you like) from the object where you want to place this on. <b>The ridge</b> The ridge is for centering your mount to the 2020-frame. If you are using T-nuts,you don't need it. It can be in the way of a tight fit. The ridge is 1.4 mm high**. <b>The help-grid</b> I think this is an unique feature in this thing and probably with a reason :). It's for eye-balling your design. The distance between the gridlines is the given value in the customizer. The orange zone is where the 2020-frame can be in your way. The red line is the baseline. <b>Don't forget to turn it off (value = 0)</b> <b>Needed length for bolds/screws on a 2020 frame</b> Thickness mounting plate + offset + 4 to 6 mm (ridge doesnt count) Happy mounting:) *If you are looking for a customizable spacer, see the simpler design: **You can change values for the ridge and the offset in openScad (secundairy parameters) Also the number of holes is easy to adjust, simply copy some parameters (Mhole?) and add them to the design. Designed in openscad More information about the fantastic and challenging program OpenScad can be found here:



