Queendomino Coin Tray

Queendomino Coin Tray


Queendomino has become a house favorite lately. It's an excellent boardgame and appeals to all levels of player, from beginner to expert. Thing is, I hate messy parts flung all over the place... wouldn't it be great if we could keep those coins all in one place, neat and tidy? Well, NOW YOU CAN!! Print this silly thing immediately and stop living in the dark ages! It stows neatly in the box as you can see from the second image above. That middle wall that connects one of the 9-coin slots to the middle 3-coin slot is for lifting it in an out of the box easily (you pinch it with your fingers). Clever, eh? Here's a replacement tower if you're missing one or two (your box comes with 15): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024625 Don't forget to check out my TOTALLY AWESOME castle for Queendomino: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2901145 If you found this useful, it would bring me great joy to see your work - so be sure to share some images of your make! Or, better yet, please feel free to dump a bitcoin or two here (I'm trying to collect as many as I can before the apocalypse): 1Py3TUeR8noBN2giHyFV1GfB6x3Kh2WEVv ... include a note to the effect of "Hi 3E8, thanks for the coin tray thing... my life is infinitely better on account of it and please accept this small handful of bitcoins in gratitude". You're welcome! (in advance) :D Also, feel free to peruse my other submissions which are almost as varied as they are many: http://www.thingiverse.com/3E8/designs Enjoy!






