Metric Reference Tool (Multi-color Update)
**This is a simple reference tool that was made to help designers judge the approximate real-world size of the parts they're modeling.** --- Growing up in the United States, I never used the metric system enough to develop a grasp on dimensions in the metric system. With 3D printing, it is best to use the metric system a lot for measurements. As soon as I sat down and began to design my first print, I found myself constantly going to Google or asking my Google Home assistant "What is [x inches] in millimeters?" I put my first design on hold and made this instead; it is a little tool that you're able to print out and keep next to you while you're designing prints. If you're a little challenged with the metric system as I am, you'll be able to glance at this and easily figure out approximately how big you're going to be making something, or how big of a clearance you'll have between pieces. ___ **May 19, 2019 - UPDATE** I've been revisiting old designs and improving them. I improved some of the formatting of this card and also added the option to print it in multi-color from one extruder. The multicolor print was done on my Ender 3 so I could get that matte build-tac finish on the face of the print without any post-processing. The 45-degree angled edge of the card now measures about 40mm as well. The updated multi-color card was printed from a 0.3mm nozzle with 0.24mm layers out of Hatchbox's True Red filament and Solutech3D's Black filament. *As always, ensure you have good bed adhesion and print slowly for the first layers so the letters don't curl up.*