Camp Half-Blood logo with feathers (Percy Jackson series)
My daughter and her friends really like the original, and I printed it several times. When it was printing, I noticed that my Snapmaker makes an interesting feathering pattern when it prints the first layer above the infill. So I'm (ab)using the features of my slicer and printer to put feathers on Pegasus. I shrank the original slightly, to 4 inches. The original stand was loose on my first print, so I scaled it until it fit better. This is specifically designed for the Snapmaker 3D slicer, printer, and "High Quality" print setting. I doubt this will work on a different slicer, printer, or print quality. It looks like it will work scaled down to 50%, but I didn't attempt to print it. It should work scaled up to 123.2% (max size of the Snapmaker). If you scale it, you may need to rotate the piece to make sure the print head is moving in the correct direction at the feather's layer. Play with the layer preview until you see the head moving over the wings.