3d pen: Spitfire MK VIII

3d pen: Spitfire MK VIII


Hello comunity, i'm Maddy, a 3d pen lover. I like create with my 3d pen some object. Some objects are my creation, some others are requests of our followers or simple desire to reproduce something that I particularly like. On this page i would like to share my creations, my video tutorial and free stencil for help 3d pen lovers, kids but also adults, in their work with this beautiful tool. This object is the Spitfire MK VIII Time of realization: 4 hour What do you need? -3D pen -PLA filament 1.75 -colors used: white("grey" white) black red blu grey military green ....and a lot of passion and patience ;) good work You can see the video tutorial here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL-lFJgFNlM&feature=youtu.be



