Stratasys Mojo Wavewash Agitator

Stratasys Mojo Wavewash Agitator


The Agitator broke on our Stratasys Wavewash 55, and I couldn't find a place to buy the part. So I reverse engineered it and changed the design slightly. Order 4x Ø 3/8" x 1/4" long Magnets and insert them in the provided holes. Note: polarity must be switching back and forth: NSNS. Seal the holes with some waterproof silicone glue - the chemical bath will destroy the magnets' nickle plating. Then you should be good to start cleaning parts again! Note: you will need to have something on the bottom to reduce friction between the tank and the agitator. The original wavewash had a plastic sheet that was used to reduce the friction. Since the original broke and it was $10 to replace, I elected to make my own with some packing tape. I just wrapped the tape onto itself and cut it to the same shape as the original. I found that you can't just tape it to the bottom of the tank because the heat will expand the tape and tear it off.



