Prusa i3 MK3 X-Carriage with Titan Extruder and Bltouch

Prusa i3 MK3 X-Carriage with Titan Extruder and Bltouch


If you want to use a Titan Extruder and a Bltouch for your Prusa MK3, here is a revised version of the original X-Carriage. #Attention! According to the CAD files of the E3D Titan Extruder the position of the holes between the original titan and the clones of the titan doesn´t match. That´s why I uploaded two versions of the extruder body and the x-carriage. Since I'm not using the original E3D titan extruder, but this [clone]( I haven´t printed the second version yet to test if the holes are on the right position. So if you own a original titan from E3D and you print the second version, please give me feedback if the position of the holes are correct for mounting the extruder. I also uploaded the .step so that you can change the position of the mounting holes yourself. For people with a little experience in fusion360 this should not be a problem :) ###UPDATE 5.08.2018: The E3D version is now available with the inductive sensor and Bltouch. As already mentioned, I haven´t printed this version yet but according to the CAD file of the E3D titan the holes should be on the right position. ###UPDATE 17.08.2018: I have uploaded a new version of the X-Carriage for the E3D titan and the clones. With these versions you can use two 40mm screws instead of 45mm screws.



