Printrbot simple metal 1403 Bowden Conversion

Printrbot simple metal 1403 Bowden Conversion


So I need to make my Printrbot Simple Metal to have a Bowden extruder because the piece of junk is to heavy and makes the surface finish very ugly. I plan to make it double bowden, but I go one step at the time. Stay posted for new part for an outdated machine that I refuse to let die. And none of the setups I found are good enough. Not to mention the crazy and useless extruders that are most of the times, overkill. I used the Old ceramic Ubis for the photos, because I have not installed it yet, I have an UBIS 13s. I will update the parts and photos when complete. Also, there is no objects like these anywhere on any STL repository, even on yeggi. This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online> This is my first design from the bottom up, so feel free to be brutally honest about anything you don't like or want improved



