Prusa Octoprint Mount for Raspberry Pi and Camera

Prusa Octoprint Mount for Raspberry Pi and Camera


Here's a clean and easy way to mount a Raspberry Pi 3 and camera to a Prusa i3 MK3. I wanted to mount the equipment to the printer to make it easy to quickly move around the shop and have a secure way to adjust the camera angle. Ball and socket camera mounts are great but they don't hold their positions well under vibration. The screws allow the joints to be tightened down so they don't move. Be sure to rotate the parts as needed to eliminate the need for supports! As the Z axis moves up, the camera follows. Therefore the top layer is always is the same location in the camera view. The part 'grows down' in the time lapse. The RBpi brackets easily attach to the 30 mm extrusion by a quarter-turn. To make the second mount, simply mirror the original part in your slicer. You can use velcro or dual-lock to attach the RBpi case to the 30 mm brackets. Use micro cable ties to attach the camera, and #4 sheet metal screws for the camera mount parts. Drill out the larger holes for the screws to 3.0 mm. You will need a longer camera cable than comes supplied with the RBpi camera.



