Fatshark voltage converter
Hello FPV Pilots and Drone Racers out there! Ever ran out of fat shark batteries at the flying field and still have flight batteries around? Here is another solution. Build a converter from flight batteries to 8.4V output to run your goggles from any 3S or 4S lipo with XT60 connector. Things you need to complete this project: 1. Voltage Regulator https://www.amazon.com/DZS-Elec-Converter-Adjustable-Communication/dp/B07CZW83TH/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1533139873&sr=8-2&keywords=mini+360+3a+dc+voltage+step+down+power+converter+buck+module 2. Voltage Alarm https://www.amazon.com/UAV-Warning-Buzzer-Voltage-Indicator/dp/B07B475JDM/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1533139917&sr=1-2&keywords=rc+voltage+alarm 3. XT60 Female connector https://www.amazon.com/AUTOUTLET-10Pairs-Bullet-Connectors-Battery/dp/B07BS5YLKL/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1533139957&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=xt60+connectors&psc=1 3.5mm DC power jack connector https://www.amazon.com/Socket-Threaded-Connector-Adapter-Lsgoodcare/dp/B078RJKLKB/ref=sr_1_21?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1533140091&sr=1-21&keywords=3.5mm+power+connectors\ 3S and 4S female balance plug connectors. https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Sets-DIY-2-54mm-JST-XH-4S-5P-5-Pin-LiPo-Balance-Connectors-Plug-Housing-Pins/162477227014?hash=item25d465bc06%3Ag%3ABAYAAOSw5UZY86pU&_sacat=0&_nkw=lipo+balance+plug+connectors+kit&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0%7C0 Of course that is a lot of things to buy, but that is only for ppl who don't need it anyway. Any RC hobbyist already has these parts laying around. To complete the project you need to remove the pins from voltage alarm and solder two balance plugs to corresponding pins, 3S will share every connection with 4S and 4S will have extra pin left. Secure the plugs with CA glue from the inside the enclosure, so they don't move. Use double sided tape or glue to glue the components in place. Set adjustable voltage regulator to 8.4V and use a drop of CA on pot so it won't change from vibration. the last step, create yourself a cable with 3.5mm male connector on each side. On goggles side make it right angle and also create male 2S balance plug coming from the same power wire at the top to power fan in your goggles. I would make the cable length to reach from your pants pocket to your goggles, or your shirt pocket, whichever works for you better. PS: If the LiPo buzzer is too loud stick two pieces of bubble gum into holes of little speakers, that will make the sound muffled and still loud enough for you to hear it. Enloy printing and building. Have fun, don't forget to like.