Old blower style r3 extruder for Origenal Prusa MK3
Update : assembled it myself and can confirm everything fits together ;) This is a combination of 2 different versions of the origenal r3 upgrade files made by Prusa. v3? # Main cover version STEP file downloaded at 3-8-2018 : https://github.com/prusa3d/Original-Prusa-i3/blob/MK3/Printed-Parts/STEP/extruder-cover.stp v2? + Blower arm from beta release of R3 downloaded stl : https://www.prusa3d.com/downloads/others/MK3_MK25_extruder_dyson_angled_fan_PRINT_IN_BLACK_v2.zip#_ga=2.101736193.1291402523.1533304366-1030976435.1523136057 I am going to upgrade my Origenal Prusa I3 MK3 with the new r3 extruder. But I did not like the new way the blower fan is mounted under an angle. For me it worry's me that the center point of mass is shifted even more away from the Y-Axis bearings. And I'm worry's even more at how it is mounted not as ridged / solid, using just 1 screw hole on a special stand that also might give some extra flexing. On earlier version of the new R3 upgrade parts (I guess beta version 2) the arm was still there to securely mount the blower vertical if wished. On the latest released version of the R3 upgrade this arm was removed. I just slapped both version in my editor and cut off the blower arm from beta-version-2 and joined it to I guess what is called version 3? - recommended print material PETG or ABS - black color recommended More info about the R3 extruder : - https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/general-discussion-announcements-and-releases-f61/new-printed-parts-version-r3-t23017.html - https://www.prusaprinters.org/prusa-research-summer-update-2018/ - https://www.prusa3d.com/prusa-i3-printable-parts/