Anycubic i3 Mega Spool holder

Anycubic i3 Mega Spool holder


Spool holder for the Anycubic i3 Mega. Utilises the original spool support rod that ships with the Anycubic. Contains three parts in the one STL file. The bracket, and then two end-caps for the rod. Also made some slight changes to the original clip-on bracket part from the original. I increased the height to reduce twisting made the attachment much more snug to remove any play. My filament reels would always work their way to the outside (right side) of the rod during printing. This one is much tighter and does not twist at all so the rod stays horizontal and the reels do mot make their way downhill. I superglued the larger end-cap onto the rod, although I'm not sure I needed to. Prints without requiring supports. Enjoy!



