PiPod enclosure V2

PiPod enclosure V2


This is the enclosure for my PiPod project. The PiPod is a portable music player made with a Raspberry Pi Zero. [If you want the buy the PiPod board you can visit my Tindie store](https://www.tindie.com/products/Bram/pipod-raspberry-pi-zero-portable-music-player/). For more information about the build visit [Hackaday.io](https://hackaday.io/project/26157-pipod) # Board thickness The new PiPod boards will have a thickness of 1.6mm for this version you have to download the 1.6mm version of the top and bottom STL. #PiPod features ##Display The display on this board has a resolution of 320 by 240 pixels with a screen diagonal of 2.2”. It is connected to the Raspberry Pi using the SPI bus. ##I2S Audio output This board includes the PCM5102A a 24-bit I2S DAC with a 3.5mm jack. This IC is used to generate high-quality audio without a hum like you would get if you're using the onboard PWM as the audio source. ##User controls On the board are controls for navigation, volume control, and backlight control. There is also a slide switch on top to select between the USB output (off position) and battery output (on position). ##Battery protection and charging The battery is charged using the TP4056 charger with a charge rate of 1000 mA. It is also protected by the DW01 battery protection circuit, this IC protects against overcharge, over-discharge, and overcurrent. ##Battery monitoring and charging detection Battery monitoring and charging detection are implemented using an ADS1015 ADC. The ADS1015 is a 12-bit ADC that is connected using I2C to the Raspberry Pi. Channel 0 is connected to the USB connection and channel 1 to the battery using a voltage divider, channels 3 and 4 are not being used but are broken out to two test pads next to the ADC. ##Battery booster The nominal voltage of 3.7v outputted by the battery is converted to a steady 5v output by the MT3608 step-up converter. The MT3608 include under-voltage lockout, current limiting, and thermal overload protection.





