Yamaha Tracer 700 mobile phone structure

Yamaha Tracer 700 mobile phone structure


The part from the pictures printed in PLA lasted 6 months and more than 6.000km holding a +180gr. phone but started cracking. I'm pretty confident this happened because of the print orientation, I'd recommend to print vertically in stead of horizontally as I did. Nevertheless you can find the new version here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3089822 --------------------------------------------------------------------- I first tried the following stand held on the handlebar: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B01N6M0I9M/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I liked the system but not having the phone that low, it made me look away from the road so I thought of a solution that helped me to have the same support at a centered higher place. After several tests this is the solution that worked best for me. It uses the two upper bolts that hold the screen in place. Strongly recommended to add a piece of 2-3mm rubber on the lower part where it rests to reduce vibrations and noises. For a more accurate fit a thin rubber or foam piece can be added to the cavity where the phone holder is inserted.






